So this post is for both yesterday and today as I went out last night and would of just been a lot of faffing if I would of done it then.
So anyway, went into college and had a great lesson. Never played Valerie so much in my life. As its our song this week we had to learn everything about it which was actually interesting, then played it about a zillion times. But all in all was cool.
As I was waiting for the bus, Steve walked past and told me about what was going on that night at
Rubix (the club on Campus). It was traffic night or something. I didn't know what it was but apparently you wear green if your single, yellow if your not decided and red if your taken. All a bit silly if you ask me.
I got in and found a letter on my laptop and was so excited that my Nan and Grandad had replied. I ripped it open and my letter had fell out. They had sent it back? I then found a little note attached that read;
'Rich,Your nan and grandad have not lived at this address for over 4 years now. They moved to Ireland from here, not sure of there address, sent back your letter'
Unbelievable. Very pleased however there are some nice people in this world to boffer sending it back. Bit embarrassing however that they must of seen me little drawing of me in y fronts and cleaning gloves on.
So got home, had a nap, cooked dinner and got ready. Steve wore a yellow
cardy, and I couldn't be
boffered with the whole
shi-bang. But apparently I had to so Steve made me wear my pyjama top as I don't have anything green. I wore it under a top so I didn't look all silly and desperate.
We went out way too early. Got to the pub there at like 9 and no one was there. So desperate that Steve actually text Jack asking if he could come to his knowing he had friends over. So anyway, we had a few drinks at the bar. One kid next to me, (who had a lisp which made him sound gay) ordered a massive jug of drink. I wanted to make conversation so I asked him what it was. He was so flabbergasted that I had never heard of a
snakebit. He gave me a sip and as I sipped, he turned to his friend and said
'His never had a
his friend just replied 'OH DEAR'
Definitely a gay couple. They then started to get a bit chatty with me. I thought this was very cool, only when I looked down and saw my green top that I realised why he wanted a chat. I then
butched up and was gonna order a lager instead of the usual shorts in a deep voice to show my heterosexuality. They left so I could order normally.
Me and Steve had a nice little drink and then
shooted over to the club. Was actually a really good night. Met many many people, who of which stole our glasses thinking it's funny, well done to ya, your an idiot (in the words of Garth
Marenghi). Had to much to drink in the club, ordering 2 drinks at a time, dancing, raving, this was actually turning out to be a good night. The awkwardness of wearing green had all slipped away as it was dark.
We went back to a girls hall, more of a room to be honest but who cares. We just sat there whilst Steve read heat.
Keeva and James were there who I know from back home and was good to see some familiar faces. Overall a good night. There I am with my little green top.

The next morning however was not good. I had to be up at 9.30. So woke up, feeling fine, just a little tired. Sat up and my head was spinning, felt sick, weren't cool. Steve jumping on me did not help at all. I wanted to be sick on him. I didn't get up for my first lesson, so I laid in for extra 2 and half hours and went in for 1.30. Had a great lecture about money in the music industry. Came out and met Steve and Matt.
We then had a masterclass with Phil
Maturano. A fantastic Latin percussive drummer. One of the best. It was amazing watching him play this style of music which is so so vast and the different ways of playing, his philosophy of rhythm (just had to look at Steve's arm to spell that). It was however very off putting as he had this picture (below) of him displayed on a massive projector screen. Never laughed so hard in a long time. Reminded me of David Brent.

Me and Matt came out and went to Burger King, on the way we saw a massive queue of girls queueing to get into
Topshop. I was very curious as to what was going on. Was it a celebrity signing, new clothes line, massive sale, I didn't know. So on the way back I decided to ask a little stall assistant (Hitler reincarnated) selling a nail thing or something.
'So whats going on a
Topshop, whats going on down there?'
Topshop yeah? There's a queue? whats it for?'
Topshop is there'
'No, why is there a queue?'
'I don't know, sale or something!'
Her face was so fat and round. Such a rude person, shouting at me every time, I was explaining myself properly, but she was just shouting at me. She then laughed with her friend at me as we left. I felt like pulling the sleeves down.