Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Yesterday was another ordinary Monday. I had to play a new song called Easy lover by Phil Collins in my lesson. A really cheesy song but had a good laugh playing it.

Came home and had another nap. I love my naps, get so regenerated afterwards. I'm looking forward to one tonight. Although Steve said that heroes is nearly downloaded so we have to watch that. I shall have one afterwards.

Steve and Matt came home and we all just sat in our rooms. We were talking on msn. It came to about 9ish and Steve wanted to go to Tesco's. We all got ready then got into a programme about hat they put in really bad food. Matt and Steve were disgusted and Matt said, i've never ate a sausage since i've seen this programme. I dunno why he was surprised. Everyone knows that absolute junk goes into our food these days, and a little programme on tele will not change anything.

Went to Tesco's and saw a kid there from my class. I saw him there yesterday as well so it just made it even more awkward. Turned down an isle and was like 'oh for fu...'. I was about to turn around but he saw me, can't do that then, would just be embarrassing.

Got home, made dinner and watched Lord of the Rings. We started watching this at 10.30 and it finished at 1.30. Matt was not happy as he had an early start.

Ill continue this blog tonight as I have to go to ACM.

Bye bye x

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