'is that...is that the kid that messed up?'
The lesson was delayed due to a girl in Steve's class had as Steve said a 'fit/faint its all the same'. It turns out the girl had an eppy due to stress or something, I weren't really listening as I was so worried. Anyway I hope my 'PEER (matt)' feels better. The song this week was Walk this Way by Aerosmith and Run DMC, a really easy song as its one beat but still its playing in front of other musicians. I got up and played it and it all went smoothly. Our teacher had bought in an electric pad which when you hit it, it makes the sound of a DJ deck. I was scared to other use this, but when I put it in I sounded like a bellend not a DJ.
Got home and Matt and Mike were there before we were. They had gone to Tescos to buy beers and a pizza. They came back and met us, I was really happy to see them and don't want them to leave :(
Whilst I was doing my business Matt thought it's be funny to unlock the door and watch, we had a little fight and broke the 'saw' door. It came off its hinges and now to close or open the door we have to literally use it as a plank of wood lifting it up everytime. Not good.
Steve was pestering Matt to give him a lift to the station turns out that Matt got stuck in traffic on the way back. Steve was going to London to see his well i dunno what she is to him. They were going to a club where apparently his on the VIP list. I doubt this because the biggest name they've had is that Dal fella from Big Brother. And I think he just turned up not knowing.
Us 3 got stuck into our beers, turns out we drank 20, not bad. I say we, I only had 5. Came 10 o clock and I was pestering Matt and Mike to go to a club as they came all the way here and just wanted to stay in. I said we cant go the cheap club on uni as its a school uniform night and we would look silly if we went so we would have to go to a club called Harpers in town. I warned them its £10 and that i've never been on a Friday. After an hour they decided to give it a shot. We thought we'd walk past the uni club to see if everyone was actually in school uniform. They were.
We then walked back on our self to Harpers. There wasn't a queue so I was a bit curious. We sat in Wetherspoons for an hour and then decided to walk over. I said to the bouncer
'Is it busy in there tonight?'
'Its RAGING!!!'
I then asked his friend, the other bouncer.
'Is it really???'
'Ye mate, Packed out'
So went in, I handed over my student card to the lady thinking like Monday she would make it £6 instead of a tener. She just nodded.
'Its a tener'
'For fu....thats mental'
So embarrissing in front of Mike and Matt. We walked into the club. Never been so annoyed in my life. About 20 people at max in the main part of club. We sat there for 10 mins and decided to go. What a waste of Money. Mike had also paid £3 to put his 'jersey' in the cloakroom so it was £13 for him. Un-fucking-believable.
We then walked back and basically went to bed. Me and Mike had them little tired conversations you have when you want to go asleep. All done was talk about films. I don't remember falling asleep.
Woke up to Matt pestering us and jumping on me. I wasn't in the mood.
I made them a cup of tea and now here we are. They are leaving today and i'm sad :( Its great having visitors even if they do break things. Hopefully Jamie will come down soon. Steve is coming home today so its all good. Ive missed my roomy!
Jazz, x
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