This entry was meant to be done yesterday on my first day at ACM but as I was so busy I didn't have time.
The day started off with Matt, Steve and myself all going into college early to book some tuition with some drum teachers as they all go so fast. So we went all the way there 2 hours early (or 5 hours early for Steve and Matt) to find out we could have just stayed at home and phoned. So for the next half the day we just sat in Wetherspoons watching Steve try and connect to wi-fi in the pub. What a waste of time.
It was my first lesson today and on Mondays we have to learn a song and basically play it in front of an audience on Friday. But before I went into the class I saw some little band jamming who sounded pretty good, only until I looked at them and realised how ugly they all were. One had a beard bigger than his face. The lesson went on for 2 hours and really enjoyed it!
Dean Barber came round today to see how we're settling in and to see Steve before he goes to uni. Steve, Dean and myself all went to a club called 'Harpers'. What a club. Although the place was all too sexiest, only girls could sit down and dance on the platforms, when I tried I got pulled off by a bouncer who actually grabbed my spinal-chord to pull me. I found it hard to boogy after that.
P.S Rick Wright of Pink Floyd had died of Cancer today.

Shine on Richard Wright, our love goes out to you.
Jazz, x
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