During ACM, Steve asked me if I was going to ACM Live Link that night, and if I was being honest, I didn't really have a clue what that was. Another kid next to me in Business lecture said its a time that the whole of ACM get together in different venues, listen to live music and get drunk. I didn't need to ask anymore. My drunk cap was on.
So home we went and watched heroes season 3. This season is starting to annoy me. So many slapstick comedy moments its unreal. Totally missing the point of a serious show. But however I enjoyed it. Steve after it finished said 'well that was shit'
I just replied '...yep'
Had another nap and was awaken by Ricky Gervais' laugh. Its too annoying now.
Got up and starting drinking some Malibu and Cranberry juice. Drank 4 glasses of the stuff in half hour whilst dancing to some heavy music. This didn't go too well on my stomach. Was being sick in the toilet and Steve just asked 'You gonna be alright for tonight'
'Oh Yeah!!!'
Off we went to the electric theatre, a venue that ACM owns. Four bands were playing there including mine and Steve's favourite. A Band called Free Peace. A fantastic band with a very very attractive lead singer ;)
We took our signature hat and glasses but this didn't really get a good response at first as everyone was sober. We went to another pub that some more live music was at. Once again drunk some more and started chatting, getting some good pics and getting people to wear the hat. We got a few people to move back to electric theatre, we took the hat and people couldn't get enough of it.
Talked to the lead singer of free peace and she said she will dedicate a song to us. Was mental. We raved to them and people with us were having a great time, wearing our hat and glasses etc, Was a fantastic night. I can't really do it justice on here. Fit free peace singer wearing our hat :)
Came home and had a kebab on the way. Was absolutely disgusting. Ate a whole chili, just said to Steve 'This is absolutely gonna burn my arsehole tomorrow'
Was a great night. . .
Jazz, x